Friday, March 26, 2010

What are the Advantages of E-paper?

E-Paper has a variety of advantages. One of these is in its design. Most e-paper models are safe for outdoor advertising from harsh weather conditions. Also, its size, low power demands and flexibility allow it to be portable so that it can be rolled and fitted into a shirt pocket or a purse. Moreover, it is extremely easy to download information using any satellite device (Casatelli, 2009).

E-Paper will be beneficial to Newspaper, Book and Magazine readers. It would allow readers to gain access to their favourite publishings without having to carry many different papers. It would also become more convenient then having to physically go out and buy the publication.

The newspaper and magazine industry would also benefit due to the cost savings from the reduction of production. This would be extremely beneficial to the newspaper industry as their subscriptions are declining due to the availability of news on the internet. With an E-newspaper, they would be able to acquire new customers and provide more recent information since they would not have to face the production time lags (E-paper and the future of electronic publishing, 2005). The same would also apply to the magazine industry. In addition, this would create a tremendous impact on the environment from the large amounts of reduction in paper.

The advertising industry will greatly benefit from e-paper by saving costs and increasing their efficiency. It is also shown that e-paper advertisements, labels and product displays are more visually appealing to customers (Casatelli, Ink-in-Motion Displays Captivate Shoppers, 2009). Thus, this has the potential to bring in tremendous revenue for the organizations that do choose to use this new technology.


Casatelli, L. M. (2009, April 8). Epaper Central Talks with E-paper Inventor Nick Sheridon. Retrieved March 26, 2010, from Epapercentral:

Casatelli, L. M. (2009, July 7). Ink-in-Motion Displays Captivate Shoppers. Retrieved March 26, 2010, from epapercentral:

E-paper and the future of electronic publishing. (2005, March 14). Retrieved March 26th, 2010, from AME info:

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